Since it’s going to be awhile before the next book in The Belly Dance Mysteries comes out, (hint: it’s set in a ren faire! I will be hassling you, my SCA friends.) I’m just going to have to ramble on about other topics. My first pick–the vacation my husband and I recently took to the Grand Canyon.
Last Christmas, my parents very generously gave us some money to “have fun with.” We quickly decided that a vacation would be the best way to do that. After looking at many different places to go, we decided on the Grand Canyon. We are both geology nerds, and rumor had it that the Grand Canyon was home to a lot of rocks.
Now, if you’ve ever tried planning this particular trip yourself, you’ll know that you can’t just GO to the Grand Canyon. About 50 billion people go there every year, and it’s kind of out in the middle of nowhere. There aren’t many towns nearby, and a limited number of places to stay. Reservations for the local hotels need to be booked as much as a year in advance. We wanted to go in less than 6 months. Good luck! Everything was booked.
Then a miracle happened: Monty was surfing the websites for different hotels on the South Rim, and saw that two nights had just opened up for the end of May–in El Tovar, one of the most historic hotels in the G.C. and situated right on the rim. Yay! We booked it. And so the adventure began.
In the next few posts I’ll be talking about road trips, incredible scenery, squirrels that weren’t there, food poisoning, What To Do If Your Rental Car Is Possessed, and, of course, rocks. Lots and lots and lots of rocks.
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